Monday, August 20, 2012

So this is either the smartest or dumbest thing by far that I have ever done!!!!!

There may have been a purchase today of a gracie king size quilting frame and a Janome that has a 9 in throat for the grand total after tax of $851.00. We have the best sewing center in town. he got the frame and machine as a trade in for a new set-up and always sells trade in's for amazing prices. He also guarantees the products to work as they are supposed to. I bought my Elna 5200 from him brand new and he services it for free, that deal is valid until such a time as the store is no longer there!

He just got it in so the machine still needs to be serviced and he is going to bring the frame to the store for us to pick up around Monday...... I cannot wait for Monday!!! Is it here yet? Is it is it is it!!! lol

After we get it home and set up all I need to do is call him and he will come to our house and teach me now to thread everything, load a quilt, roll it up as needed, use the groovy boards ect. The only it doesn't have that I wish it did is a stitch regulator. If I buy one though it will go with the machine :)

Maybe finish paying this off first huh?

Photo borrowed from Google images :)

Now the only problem is where is it going to go.......

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